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Review Process & Plagiarism Policy

Review Process


The most important quality check for a submitted study or work is peer review. To ensure editorial decisions, the Bengal Journal of Social Science and Development uses a peer review method. Experts in relevant disciplines are chosen as reviewers for this peer-review procedure, and they will examine the submitted research paper from many angles, including quality, originality, academic standards, technical substance, documentation, and relevance to the journal's focus. Based on the quality of the submission, the review report may result in any of the suggestions listed below.

  • Accept immediately for publishing.

  • Acceptance is conditional on minor changes.

  • Accept susceptible to significant changes

  • Reject

If the review report proposes minor/major modifications, the author must modify the contribution in accordance with the remarks. For a smooth publishing procedure, the author must return the amended manuscript to the Editorial Office via Email on time.



Plagiarism Policy


Plagiarism and duplicate contributions are not tolerated in the Bengal Journal of Social Science and Development. As a result, we highly advise our writers to double-check the substance of their articles before submitting them to our journals for publication. We encourage our authors to utilize "Plagiarism Checking software" or "Tools" to check for plagiarism before submitting their work as a first step.


All submitted articles will be checked for plagiarism before being published online in the Bengal Journal of Social Science and Development. If plagiarism is detected by editors, peer reviewers, or editorial staff at any point throughout the publishing process, it may be rejected depending on the percentage of plagiarism found, and the author will be notified.

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